
“It took me a long time of deciphering to realize that the amniotic, the oceanic, is the movement of love.
Not emotional love but an encompassing atmosphere of love.
A love that has its own destiny – perhaps using humans as its messengers, this love is trying to land on earth.
Water is the substance for all life forms on this earth.
Love is the substance in which all life form is expressed.
Oceanic memories continue among all humans who have landed. The pulsing waves of ancestral amphibians is recorded in every undulation of an organ, in every sweep of tissue, in every course of blood.

What we call ‘body’ is not ‘matter’ but movement. The body is a profound orchestration of many qualities and textures of movement, interpenetrating tones of fertile play, waiting to be incubated. The cosmic play that we enter this atmosphere with still goes on at an intrinsic level – we are mostly not aware of the world we carry.”

– Emilie Conrad Da’oud, founder of Continuum Movement


“There is no neutral body from which our bodies deviate. Society has written deep into each strand of tissue of every living person on earth. What it writes into the heart muscles of five star generals is distinct from what it writes in the pancreatic tissue and intestinal tracts of Black single mothers in Detroit, of Mexicana migrants in Fresno, but no body stands outside the consequences of injustice and inequality…What our bodies require in order to thrive, is what the world requires. If there is a map to get there, it can be found in the atlas of our skin and bone and blood, in the tracks of neurotransmitters and antibodies.” 

Aurora Levins Morales, Kindling: Writings on the Body

New offering: classes and workshops

600x540_acAre you interested in learning and practicing hands-on therapeutic techniques? This flexible class is for anyone who wishes to gain greater applied understanding of bodywork principles and techniques for self care, care of loved ones, or to incorporate into professional care-giving practices. I have been offering tailored sessions for couples and small groups, which has been a joy all around.  Basic anatomy, body mechanics, somatic awareness, and therapeutic touch practices ranging from deep tissue to energy work, are all explored, with resources for ongoing study. The length of time and physical focus can vary – ranging from general stress management to particular patterns of tension, conditions and areas. Contact me if you would like to discuss this possibility, rates, and questions about specific modalities.